Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Lots has been going on since we have last updated the blog. My belly is continuing to get bigger by the day, Jason and I have finished all of our baby classes, and we are thinking that it is getting close to time to pack "the bag." We have also ordered the bedding for Will's room. It seems like everything is falling into place. Now I just hope that I can get my Christmas shopping done soon so I know that everything is ready.

Jason got to play with Will last night. While Will was rolling all around in my tummy, Jason would press on the side that he was on. When Jason would press, Will would roll to the other side. After a few minutes of doing this, Will finally started kicking at Jason's hand. We laughed, but I am sure Will was telling his daddy to quit bothering him.

We have also had 2 very nice showers. I am including some of the pictures from our first shower so that everyone can see an updated look at my belly. The shirt that I am wearing helps to camouflage the size of my belly so I hope you can get the full effect!!!!


Chris Brown said...

You look so cute! :) Hope you are feeling well.

Mimi said...

Don't worry about the shopping. The shopping patrol (Dianne S., Susan M.,and I)will be glad to help out!! Daddy and I will have our bags packed and we'll be ready when Will is !!!!!